Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

"Nothing can be done for me"

The land of no hope

The land of no hope

Slough-  July 2017

I had a real variety of encounters today.  Beginning with two lovely young fundraisers – "Oscar" and Menishah. - I gave them each a word of encouragement about who they are and some prophetic downloads about stuff they have in their heart concerning their futures.  They were happy with these words and grateful for the care I was showing them.  I then explained about praying for people in pain and seeing God take it away and asked if either of them had any physical issues going on?  Menisha quickly said “yes!”- her gums/lower jaw had been troubling her for a week and was still causing some pain and discomfort.  She rated it at about level 4 pain and was happy to let me pray for her.  It took a few times but she said it was certainly a lot less if it hadn’t gone completely. You can hear her talk about that on the little audio clip just below.

When I asked Oscar if he had any pain he was quite resigned as he said that he had known chronic pain on and off for many years after he had got into an unhealthy lifestyle on the music scene and pushed himself too hard.  He said that doctors had told him that nothing could really be done for him - he had no expectation whatever that he could be helped or healed – the perfect person to pray for!!!  I explained briefly that God wasn’t judging him for his past lifestyle or seeing it as a block to healing him.  His love and goodness meant he wanted Oscar well and pain free -  right now.  I had talked about Jesus earlier and how He had taken all the crud of our lives on Himself at the cross – we could never do that for ourselves.  Oscar seemed reassured about things after that and was happy for me to pray for him.  It was a special time – he wasn’t really in pain at the time so it wasn’t possible to scale the progress but he certainly felt and knew the healing presence of God as I prayed for him.  You can here something of his story in the audio clip just here:

I also got to pray with "Andrew"  – who actually approached me while I was sitting on a bench and asked me if I had kids !! (he was handing out leaflets for an educational business) .  I had noticed as he approached that he had a limp so after he stopped talking I asked him about it and found out it was a thigh issue, possibly arthritis.  He was happy to accept prayer-  he is a believer who knows that God heals.  I did pray for his physical healing but also for other things I felt HS download as I prayed -  to do with life stuff and relationships in his family, as well as how God sees him.   He was grateful and felt really peaceful afterwards.  He said the things I prayed had been very accurate.  I don’t know if he was physically healed – I hope so – but actually it felt like the other “heart stuff” he was carrying was just as important and he left happy and blessed. Thank you Abba.

An Asian lady was at the other side of the bench and I could see she had taken off her shoes and was resting her legs so I asked her if she was just having a nice rest or if her feet hurt?  She was just resting and wasn’t in pain but she wanted to chat and we had a good talk about legs and veins and all sorts of stuff like that.  She had been a nurse but was retired now.  Her name is "Katherine".  Before I went I explained how I am a Christian who loves to listen to God for encouragements for others – and that I felt God was saying to her that she had been thinking about going on a holiday but was hesitating and God was saying to go for it, she needed the rest and not to worry about the money.  She resonated with this and told me that she had been thinking about maybe going away in October.  It was a happy, comforting confirmation for her.

Finally I chatted with two youngish guys at a tech stand. “Brent” and "Solli".  I gave B a word about no longer playing "cat-and-mouse" with God !  (I felt sure he was a Christian and he was!!) but that God wanted to hang out with him all the time, no hiding when he thought he wasn’t good enough for God, I also said that if he would do life with God, God had better plans for him than he could ever have for himself. I also felt God wanted to take him to many different countries of the world.  B received all I said and actually said that things had been going better for him in recent days and he felt like God was in this.  He felt that me coming to talk to him was part of something God was doing for him! 

"Solli" was more tricky to pin down and seemed edgy and yet curious all at the same time.  He had a lot of bravado going on but I felt it was a cover up.  The word was about him receiving damaging negative words especially around the age of 8/9 and how these had defined him and become his identity. God wanted to show him what he is really like and that he is stronger than he thinks etc.  He was listening even though he was being a bit edgy and agreed with some reserve that this had truth in his life.  He was thankful to me and I blessed them both and walked on.

Time to go home!  Thank you Father for all these beautiful treasures you led me to encounter.  I have sown, others will water but it is You who will bring the increase!  Hallelujah! 

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com



"I've never had that happen before"

Gently does it