Norwich City Centre - Jesus walks here!
A few hours in Norwich July 2017
Duncan was attending a meeting at his work’s Norwich site so I had a few hours free for “shopping” in the city centre!
The first two treasures I came across were two youngish folk – Becky and Matthew. They were fund raising in one of the shopping centres. It was Matthew’s first day on the job and we had a nice general chat. When they asked what I was in Norwich for I explained a little of what I do in the streets they were pleasantly surprised ! I didn’t have specific words for either of them but I just looked directly at them and told them how awesome they are and such amazing, completely unique people who God had made so intentionally and proudly. I really felt Becky in particular absorb all I was saying and I could feel she was really impacted by Holy Spirit I told them both a little of my testimony and how I had called out to God and encouraged them to ask Jesus to make Himself real to them when they are on their own. They both thanked me and wanted to hug me. It was a really sweet, simple but powerful time. Please continue to pursue, provoke and minister to them, dear Holy Spirit.
There seem to be a lot of homeless folk in Norwich. I came across two in particular. The first one was "Ryan". Seemed like a ““with-it” kinda guy,, gentle and quietly well spoken. He’d only been homeless for a few weeks, having been evicted from his previous residence and now was sleeping rough. He was very happy to accept prayer from me. I prayed for some of the practical things he needs to be provided for by supernatural networking of God and I thanked Father for making him such a gentle person full of kindness for others and merciful. He was nodding as I prayed. I also prayed for his heart to be reignited with hope that he would come out of this cycle of homelessness and for all hopelessness to be broken. Most of all that Father would just come and wrap his arms around him right now and that he would feel the tangible love of God in his body etc. When I asked him at the end of it how he felt he said that he felt he had confidence again for the future and that he felt very calm. It was such a privilege to pray with him and share a little step or two of his journey. Such folk do seem like very special treasures indeed.
The next treasure I met was "Arran" – also homeless and had been for much longer. You could see it in the lines of his face and his teeth and just how bony his body is . When I asked him if there were any medical issues I could pray for he said he had real pain in his feet – all the time, including now. He scaled the pain at a 7 especially in one foot. He was happy to receive prayer and after the first prayer the pain went down to about a 2 in the worst foot and totally gone in the other foot! I prayed again and it went down again and after one more prayer it was completely gone! He said "I've never had that happen before"!! . It was awesome. Also he had issues with emphysema so I prayed over his lungs and respiratory system and he said he felt something just lift off him while I prayed. Increase that healing Father that the doctors will be amazed at his next check up and He will remember it was someone who prayed for him and God did it.
I met a guy who was in biker gear and looked quite tough with a group of other guys joking around him. I asked if they could direct me to the cathedral (which they did quite happily) and then I asked if any of them had any pain at all….."Brady" was the biker guy and he joked around for a bit but then after i explained i pray for people for their pain to leave he said he had really bad hayfever so could I do anything with that? There was a lot of bravado going on in front of his friends (guys in their forties or fifties) I prayed two or three times over his congestion etc and he said there wasn’t really any difference. Maybe so – but actually I could detect a change and I think he didn’t want to say anything in front of his friends. I also prayed for a finger problem he had where he can’t straighten out his finger properly. I prayed a few times and he didn’t seem to say there was a change. It was hard to tell what the real situation was but even if there wasn’t healing (and I believe there was some at least) I feel glad to have acted in boldness and offered prayer in a bold but friendly way. Take that encounter Holy Spirit and use it for His glory and take "Brady"and his friends by surprise .
I had a bit of a conversation with a Hare Krishna guy who wanted me to have one of his books about being vegetarian – I didn’t take one and he was very insistent about what we need to believe and that there are many routes to God not just Jesus etc. I just blessed him – I told him I was a follower of Jesus. He said he wanted to get nearer to the Father of the universe but he didn’t mean the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit please take even the smallest seed that might have been sown in that meeting and cause it to sprout and grow into understanding who You are.
Finally I met with "Sam" who was handing out leaflets about a local business We were both from outside Norfolk and he explained how he had ended up in Norwich (he is from up north) He had been in a serious road accident a few years ago where he had witnessed his best friend and other mates being killed in the car in front of him. He was on a motorbike. Another car had been involved and the people in that killed too. He had sustained serious injuries in his legs and ribs but then had subsequent PTSD which he still needs treatment for now..
We talked about that awful event a little more and I asked him eventually if he still has pain in his body now. One leg has loss of feeling . I explained I pray for people and would be honoured to pray for him….. he said a group of 3 people from the city had approached him to pray for him too some time before and that it had been quite embarrassing as one of them put his hand on his head as he prayed and it obviousy had felt uncomfortable. Good learning for me. I promised I don’t do that and kind of just talked and prayed and blessed him as I stood in front of him, not closing eyes or putting my hand on his body at all. He was grateful and I felt I went as far as was comfortable for him. Bless that dear one Father and heal him in every possible way!
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