Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Autumn Treasures in Uxbridge


Mid and then late November 2018

I came across a few special treasures one lunchtimes in Uxbridge.  

The first one “Ruby” approached me in the square – a Romany Gypsy lady offering “lucky heather”. When she asked me if I was too busy to stop for a Gypsy, I told her that I was definitely not too busy to stop, bless and pray for her!  She told me a bit about her Romany background and when I asked how I could pray for her she just said the word  “STRESS”  She had a lot of stress in her life – which you could see on her face.  She accepted prayer right there and I prayed for different areas in her life and family as Holy Spirit directed me.  She kept her head bowed and looked at peace as I prayed – she was grateful to me for caring about her and a little overwhelmed I think.   Prince of Peace, please rule and reign in this dear one and in her family relationships as they come to know You personally. 

A man called “Luke” was there in the square too, collecting for something.  We had a good chat about things – he was a Brummy just visiting Uxbridge that week.  I explained that I was there to encourage people with the good things God wants to say and do for them, not just preach at people (there was a hell-fire preacher in town that day and Luke commented on how unhelpful he found that method of communicating God ) Luke was a “spiritual…there’s something out there…we all have different energy” kind of guy!  I had mentioned healing but he hadn’t taken that offer up, even though he said he had back ache sometimes.  When I eventually asked if there was anything at all in his life I could pray for he said “Well you could pray for my back”!!  So, placing my hand on his back, I prayed. He wasn’t really in pain or discomfort at the time so it wasn’t a “before and after” situation.  But I could see he was feeling different after the prayer and he said as much but quickly put it down to being “probably just in my mind”. I felt it was time to wind up the encounter and we parted with him thanking me and encouraging me to keep doing what I’m doing!

 A lovely lady called “Marigold” was promoting some beauty products outside a large shop – I had seen her before, a very friendly black lady, Christian.  When I asked how she was, she said she was really suffering foot pain from the condition Planters Fasciitis  It disturbed her sleep and was just so painful. When I offered to pray, she gladly accepted and I prayed for her two or three times, each time the pain going down more and more.  She was quite overwhelmed and thankful though I don’t really know how she was at the end. Sometimes believers seem to accept a partial healing as being okay way more than unbelievers do!  Also the worst pain for her was after getting up in the morning so i guess she needed to test that out later.  I so hope she got her full healing and I hope I bump into her again to find out what her level of healing really was.  

Open her eyes to your goodness in a whole new way. Jesus, and increase her faith for healing as she encourages others to believe you for healing too.  

 Another day I was in Uxbridge early afternoon – it was awful weather, cold and pouring with rain.  As I scurried through the square a young lady motioned me over and put her umbrella over me. I couldn’t really avoid talking now, even though I wanted to get to proper shelter!!  Then I twigged that this could be a Divine set-up!!  This young lady (Alexa)  was a charity worker and was so surprised that I hadn’t turned her down but also that  I knew about the charity she represented.   It turned into a much longer encounter (during which the rain stopped and the sun tried to come out!) .  I had a “download” from Holy Spirit about her relationship with her sister and that turned into a long conversation.  She was pretty shocked that I “knew” that about her family.  She also told me about other encounters she had had with Christians over the past few months where they would tell her things she needed to hear including bible verses which were just right for her situation. She agreed that God was really up to something in her life, even though she is not a believer – yet!!  There were some other things that came up and I felt Holy Spirit just gave some wisdom words to help this young lady in a very difficult situation.  Her manager was getting edgy standing quite close by, so we wrapped it up but Jesus had given her some fresh new signposts to Him that day. 

Be her wonderful compass, Holy Spirit for Alexa to find the way to the Way as you arrange other encounters along her path.

PS  I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

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You can’t hurry love

Zombie Mode to Glory Shock !!!