"But we have this treasure in clay jars to show that its extraordinary power comes from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4 v 7
Slough 15th Feb 2018
It was so good to be back in Slough again! I’ve really missed being able to go in and have encounters recently – partly down to the hard winter weather which thankfully was taking a break for the day! Although I only had a brief amount of time, it was great to encounter two of Father’s treasures while I was there……
They were both young guys helping on a stand in the shopping centre. One of them approached me wanting to try and interest me in the stand. He was surprised I didn’t make up an excuse or just blank him and walk away! His name was "Dan" and I discovered he was Eritrean. His first comment to me was that I have a really amazing "positive energy" coming from me and he asked me was I “into meditation” or something?"!! I just smiled and said “Well, I’m into Jesus!” “I KNEW it” he exclaimed back! I just knew there had to be a reason for your energy. I began to talk with him about Jesus in me and what I was doing in Slough which led to a really good conversation about faith and how it doesn’t come from others trying to foist their opinions on you (as he had experienced from a well-meaning but overbearing Orthodox family member) Faith needs to come from a real, personal experience of God that goes beyond intellectual agreement.
He was interested in what I had to say from my own story - and I was interested in his experiences in life and something of his story, his future plans and his general insights on life. "Dan" was also happy to accept my offer to pray for any healing needs in his body. He had an issue in both knees but didn’t know the cause and neither did the doctors/physios he had seen. I prayed for him briefly and then asked him if he had felt any sensations during the prayer. He said he had felt “a kind of tingling” and also “like massage oil was going all down the inside of me”!! I explained this was the presence of God who was there to heal him and show him that He is real and cares for all his needs. He wasn’t able to test the healing out as the pain usually comes on after repeated activity ( particularly Thai boxing!) but he had certainly felt the tangible presence of God. It was precious and very natural and supernatural all at the same time! He asked if he could hug me and was truly appreciative of what I had shared with him.
Next I glanced across to his colleague – a young guy – name of Oli. I explained that I had just prayed for Dan's knees and he nodded in a positive seeming way. So I just began speaking to him and found myself asking him if he had siblings because I felt that God wanted to affirm him as a really good brother who had a significant role in his family that he wasn’t to underestimate. Oli has brothers and step-sisters and he seemed very touched by the message I was sharing with him. I also felt that God wanted him to know that the plans he holds dear that he’s had to put on hold or even abandon thinking they won’t ever happen– God has hold of those things, they are important to Him and Oli would see them come to pass with God’s help. Something like that! He was very thoughtful and said “What you have told me means a great deal to me”…he wanted to know how I heard those things about him and how I knew God’s voice - a great opportunity to talk about my own relationship with the God who lives inside me and who loves people so intensely that He will stop at nothing to communicate that to them….. He was listening intently to every word!
Then he said “ I want to show you my mission statement that I wrote down” ….he proceeded to show me a sort of personal charter he had written about himself on his phone…the person he believes he is and the values in life he holds as significant. One of them was all about his commitment to his family and there were various other things which were really impressive. A quality guy. It felt an honour to hear him speak out those very personal things he had written about himself and which he felt were being confirmed by what I had shared as a God message to him.
He was pleased to be offered prayer for healing as he too has a knee issue from years of high level sport including high jump. The knee injury was from a football tackle. The pain usually came on badly (level 8) in the mornings after he woke up so it wasn’t that painful right then. It only hurt when he pushed in hard on it. After a couple of brief prayers – (he didn’t feel any sensation during prayer) – he pushed in on it and tried hard to find it but said it was now really “minimal” . He asked me to pray for his hip too which I did briefly as I could see he needed to get back to work. He said to me before I left that what I was doing helping people in this way was really important and how I must have impacted so many lives, just as his life had been really impacted today! I could have cried! He said it with such sincerity and gratitude and actually I felt like Jesus was saying it to me face to face! Thank you for that encouragement, Abba.
A beautiful time. Father I leave these dear ones in your incredible care. Complete their healing and bring them to that next encounter with you, however, whoever, whenever it may come to pass. May it be soon!!
PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)
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