Gilly Royal

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A key word and a healing

Slough 14th March 2018

Praying at home beforehand, I felt that Holy Spirit highlighted a potential elbow problem in someone and also a girl who was experiencing real fatigue, who was anxious about what this fatigue could mean and had become fearful - but God was going to lift all the heaviness off her.

It was really quiet in town – the car park and the shopping centres were half empty.  Had a pleasant chat with a guy collecting for something but didn’t sense any further opening to share or pray with him. Maybe he was the sore elbow person though?!  I don't know!  Did some shopping and asked Holy Spirit to direct my steps to anyone He wanted to minister to.

I came upon a girl at a stand in one shopping centre.  She was eager to tell me about her stand but also about herself – mainly because I asked her about her name which means "given by God".  She told me about her family scattered across different parts of the Middle East and Europe, originally she was from Palestine.  While she spoke to me I had a picture of a key being given to her by God – a key of wisdom to help her access something she had not been able to get entry into before now.  She knew exactly what that meant (to do with future work prospects) and asked me would it be soon as she was getting impatient to access it!  I talked about God’s timing being perfect for her as well as those around her that it would impact,-and she agreed she had seen the truth of that in her past experience.

We had conversation about faith, God – she is a Muslim, she felt her God was displeased and disappointed with her because she had drifted away. It was challenging but precious to speak about the goodness of the God I know who loves passionately without condemnation and is eager to help us.  She didn't have a grid for that through Jesus, she only knows Allah , although when she prays she said it's to "all the prophets as well, including Jesus".   She did know that Jesus is portrayed as a healer (in the Koran).

At that point I asked her how her own health was and she said with a little laugh “deteriorating”.  I really felt the word about the girl with fatigue was for her even though outwardly she looked energetic and alert.  I explained how I had prayed at home and heard God highlight a girl with fatigue/anxiety etc that He wanted to heal. She said that description was exactly true of her and she had become anxious over it.  In fact not long before I came she had been sitting down on the floor because she was so tired and she showed me some energy drink cans she had been drinking to try and pep herself up so she could keep working.  

I explained that I would love to pray for her because I knew that God wanted to lift it all off her.  She readily agreed to let me pray even though I said I would be praying in the name of Jesus (because He is your Lord, she rightly commented!)! I briefly laid hands on her and prayed against the oppressive fatigue, anxiety and fear that was weighing her down and for every root of it to be broken off in her life.  She said afterwards that she did feel better and she was so glad I had shared the things I had with her.  It meant a lot to her at this particular time as she was looking for new direction and the key picture really encouraged her.  Also knowing that God had sent her a sign in me coming to her, sharing with her and praying for her body was very comforting for her.

Holy Spriit there is so much more that this dear one needs to kmow about you – but you alone can bring her that revelation where Jesus moves from being a healing “prophet” and from being just “my Lord” to being her Lord too, the one and only Way to the good, good Father.  The seed has been sown.  Over to you, Heavenly Ploughman!

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