Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Seeds and Springtime


SLOUGH – 21stMay.

A lovely sunny late Spring day.  Good to be outside ready to see what Jesus wants to do in the high street and shopping areas!  

There were several stands promoting  Mental Health issues and how this impacts Slough.

At one stand in particular I spent time answering questions for a lovely young Asian lady working in this sector.  I’d spent a fair while with her and felt it was time to move on.  But even as I walked away I sensed I would be going back with something that Father had specifically for her.  I needed a little bit of shopping but then walked back afterwards.

I noticed a black guy who was an “outlier” trying to encourage different members of the public towards the information stands. I asked Father what He loved about this man and felt that He highlighted a radical generosity of heart towards others – such that he would rather give away his last cent than keep it for himself. I also felt he said this man had “the dignity of a king and the warmth of a brother”  - he knew when to be restrained and dignified for the sake of others but also knew when and how to be familiar, warm and friendly and 'bring the party' to bless others!   When I shared these words with him he was really honoured and thankful and said “Amen Amen!”  I earlier had the feeling he was a brother!!  He confided in me some struggles he was having and I was able to encourage Him in the Lord and leave him to go and welcome more of the public in.

The young lady I came back to see was now free so I reintroduced myself.  Her name is “Sandi”  She seemed happy to see  me again. I explained that after I left her I had prayed for her and felt that God had a personal encouragement for her today.  She was all ears!  The word was about God knowing and seeing and valuing all the “little things” she had done, not one had gone unnoticed – her eyes began tearing up.  She was so surprised I would know to say this to her and asked me if I was psychic.  Saying no, I explained about the dark spirit realm and only wanting to stay in the light through Jesus.  She asked me if I had always been like this - knowing God in this way.  It was a wonderful opportunity to share my testimony of receiving Jesus for myself at a dark time in my life.   She told me that she understood that difficult times make you more open to God things  – it was becoming her own experience - and then told me she had come through some very tough times over the last couple of years but could see how her heart was changing through it.  She detailed some of the real pain she had gone through, very personal things unjustly done to her.  

I asked her if I could pray for her – she immediately said yes then realised I meant right now!  She still said yes and I promised I would not take long and no one would know I was praying, it would just look like talking (her other colleagues were not too far away).  As I prayed I had some HS downloads about what was in her heart and some of the stuff she was believing about herself through what she had gone through. I cut off some things and declared over her the truths of Psalm 23.  After I finished she was very moved and simply couldn’t understand how I could have prayed all the things I had  which she said were so spot on about her.  It was very easy to explain how it was God doing that through me to to show her that He is real, that He knows every detail of her life, that He cares enough to let her know that through a stranger and that she too can call on the Jesus who had just met with her, just as I had done before.  I encouraged her to read Psalm 23 as her own. 

Holy Spirit had already been preparing the soil of her heart for a while as she received so easily and seemed to know what I was talking about before I had told it to her .  I gave her my contact card details and we hugged each other and I moved on. What a precious, beautiful time of sharing Jesus with this hurting, hungry one. Thank you Abba – please protect and water the wonderful seed of Life that you have sown into the rich soil of her heart. 

I later met “Mike” a young guy inside the shopping centre on a stand there.  He is originally from South Africa but has been well settled in London for a few years with no plans to go back.  Even though he talked about being settled I just kept hearing the word "wanderlust"  for him.   I also "heard" before he said it that he was from Cape Town and missed the sea because he was a surfer.  I told him about hearing encouragements from God for people and he seemed fine about me sharing one for him.  I just said it was this one word “wanderlust” and that I felt he wasn’t someone who would easily stay put in one place or one situation for too long.  It seemed to contradict what he had just shared about settling in London but he said “Actually you are right, I am about to go travelling to have some time out of London. I’m going  around Europe and I’m thinking about staying for a while in Portugal!”  

I also had another word for him which was “further training”  “Hah, that’s funny – I’m signed up to take a course soon in Property Management which is what I really want to go on and do!!”  "Well God knows that about you, He knows everything about you and He wants you to know He is real" i replied.  He began to talk about his step mother who is “religious” and his grandparents who are “very religious” – and I said "please don’t think this is about being religious. Jesus is the least religious person you could meet!”  He said he didn’t follow Jesus but wanted to believe there was "something more out there" when his life on earth ended. " Well how about having "something more" right now while you are still on earth! Something much, much more!!" I said.  God will take your life and put it on steroids and give you crazy adventures that you wouldn't believe!! That's what he has for you!" "Really ?? "Yes!!  Go ask Him!"  And then I turned  and left.  

Father I have done what I was able to do in those moments.  Please bring back to Michael’s mind what happened today again and again and arrange other encounters where he gets to see that You are on his case and will not let him go!!  

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com.

Nothing Beats The Original!

A speedy word at a checkout and chasing someone down!