Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

A speedy word at a checkout and chasing someone down!


Around Mid May 2018 – SLOUGH

Some brief encounters mainly around the prophetic and words of knowledge/encouragement.

One thing I had in mind after praying beforehand was someone with soreness/stiffness around the neck and shoulders.

The first person I remember speaking with was a young guy on a financial product stand – he turned out to be from the Phillipines originally but had been in England a fair while. His name was “Joseph”  I introduced myself and what I was doing in Slough and asked if I could say what I was sensing from God for him.  He agreed, it was a simple word – just that I saw him in an aeroplane and felt he was about to take a trip soon!  He said “Huh!” I’m actually about to fly to Amsterdam in two weeks, my first trip in absolutely ages”.  That was cool!  

I also had a word for him about him having discernment for upcoming opportunities that would be coming his way. Some might look good but would turn out to be "one-way streets" and he would need to heed that inner prompting that something was “off” to avoid time wasting, frustration and wasted energy.  He was grateful for these words and I just spoke to him briefly of God wanting to have real friendship with him outside of religion, performance and rule keeping.  He seemed to understand and I encouraged him to start speaking to Jesus and let him show Him his friendship.  Then I moved on.

Out in the High Street I was sitting on a bench just watching and seeing who Holy Spirit may be highlighting.  A tall young black guy went past and I really felt as soon as I saw him that I had a word for him about leadership.  He walked really fast and went right past into the crowd so I wondered if I would see him again.  Sure enough I did as he came back the other way.  I followed after him - needing to speed-walk just to keep up! Eventually he stopped in a shop doorway and I introduced myself saying “I don’t normally do this” (hunt people down!) and explained why I stopped to speak to him then gave him the word.  

I  spoke about a leadership gift on his life and how God was in the process of “disentangling” him from people who didn’t have his best interests at heart . He needed to watch for those relationships coming to an end because God was going to partner him with others who could help get him where he wanted to be in a healthy and honouring way.  He seemed to understand this in terms of his current situation and said he was a personal trainer so was constantly leading others.  I sensed he had had some kind of believing background in his family but didn't feel it was his own personal deal.  He thanked me for sharing with him and we parted.  His name is “Martin”,

In a coffee shop while buying a cold drink I was served by a young guy (name badge “Oscar”).  I only had a few seconds to talk to him as there were other customers lining up behind me.  I said to him “I feel like you’re into design?”  “Um yes I suppose you could say that” he replied quizzically!  “I feel that God has highlighted your gift for design and that he is encouraging you to pursue that gift and not give up"  “Well yes I used to study art” he said.  “Keep going with it and be encouraged” I said and he smiled and thanked me  as I turned and left

I felt I needed to go back to the stand where I had spoken with “Joseph” to try and speak to another colleague who hadn't been free previously.  “Joseph” was on lunch break so I spoke first to a newly arrived colleague, Robert, and explained I had already called by before.  I also introduced myself to “Fabio” from Spain – it was his first day on the job and I really encouraged him in that.  

I asked a random question if either of them had issues with stiff shoulders/neck and Robert said he did!  I explained I had prayed earlier and felt I would meet someone with that issue today- he was pretty surprised at that! He allowed me to pray a short prayer in Jesus name  to release his neck from tension into freedom, and relaxation.  He didn’t feel anything as I prayed and to be honest I think the whole thing freaked him out a bit.  He said he would only be able to tell in the morning on waking up if things had changed. I blessed him as i felt I should move on at that point.

His colleague “Fabio” received some other words from me about living from his true identity and not trying to be like someone else, how God was so pleased in how he had uniquely designed and made him and he was to have confidence in this.  He smiled at this a lot and thanked me and I was able to tell him how much he meant to the Father, not in a religious rule -keeping way, but in a tender father to a son way. It was precious.  Then time to move on.

I had a rather strange, quite funny incident out in the high street while talking to a homeless guy “Andrew”.  He had a really messed up leg that nearly had to be amputated through MRSA.  He’d had a whole ton of surgeries on it and couldn’t work anymore - it gave him a lot of pain.  It felt like this disability had become his new identity.  He had some throbbing right then so I offered to pray and he was quite happy about that.  Just at that moment another homeless guy rocks up with a bashed up, bruised face, holding a can of beer and obviously the worse for wear. His name was “Tony”  He said he had become a Muslim and I told him i was about to pray for Andrew in the name of Jesus.

I was about to pray when"Tony" proceeded to lay HIS  hand on "Andrew"  and started to pray (!) talking about "releasing the energy", how it's all psychological, only Angel Gabriel could really help him plus some words from the Koran.  It was all very surreal! I commanded healing once Tony stopped talking but nothing happened healing wise.  I was feeling uneasy and conflicted about what Tony was doing but I couldn’t just shoo him away!  Later on "Tony" said he didn’t even know what faith he was – he was totally rambling! 

Anyway – I did what I could and showed Father’s love to Andrew- and Tony - as best I knew how.  I got the feeling that Andrew didn’t really want to lose his disabled identity but maybe I am wrong.  He did really appreciate me stopping for him and showing him kindness during this rather odd encounter!  I trust that “Tony” received something from Holy Spirit too!! 

Please take each of these very different encounters, Holy Spirit, and move each person on into greater revelation of who King Jesus is for them.  Protect their journeys and meet them just how they can receive you.  In Jesus' powerful Name!! 

I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com.

Seeds and Springtime

Following a little nudge