Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

God's encouragement makes someone's day, year....life!

July 2018   SLOUGH 



I came across a lively trio of colleagues at a stand – two guys and a young lady.  I chatted with the girl about the product she was selling and in due course went on my way.  Before I came past again, I asked Holy Spirit for some words to encourage each of them individually.

The girl was called “Cathy” and I had a word about God causing a padlock to come loose off something she needs and wants to access.  She looked quite intrigued but appreciated that.

There was also a word about her being a good sister – not just to her own sibling (another sister) but in her friendship group.  That she is the one that looks out for the others, organises and helps them out like a true sister would. God loves that about her.  She agreed she definitely has that role and was thankful for the word. 

One of the guys was Portuguese but had lived a long while in England.  His name was “Mario” and the word for him was that God loves how he has such a forgiving heart despite that being tested through some strong injustices done to him.  He nodded in agreement as I was talking and added that he does not hold grudges, even though others had put him through difficult stuff.  I also told him that I saw money dropping in to a money bag and that Father wanted Mario to remember in the future that as his wealth grew – which it certainly would – it is the Lord who gives him the power to create wealth.  He genuinely seemed to grasp this and was grateful for me sharing it.  He said he came from a Catholic background.  

The other guy had fantastic braided hair and was called “Kristof”  The word for him was that he is a “gentle warrior” – made to go bravely into hostile, dark territory but also to be very tender and kind with those around him.  He wasn’t to be concerned or confused that he always seems to end up alongside people in dark places because he has a special assignment to shine his light in those places for the benefit of those people. I felt he had some kind of Xn faith background so felt able to say that Jesus inside of him is greater than anything he would face outside of him.  He hugged me and agreed that he is that man and what I had said does happen to him.  He then said  “That has made my day – no, my year, actually my life”.  Wow, it was really precious.  Thanks Jesus.

I then felt I needed to ask if anyone of them had any physical pain ….”Cathy” said she did in her lower back as a result of a car accident a year ago.  She had suffered a fracture in her back that still caused constant pain of varying degrees.  I told her that I pray for people regularly with very short prayers and see pain leave their bodies.  She agreed to let me pray for her, though it was clearly something very strange to her! Her pain scale at that moment was 4/10. After the first prayer she was surprised to report that her pain had reduced to a 2.  Then after the next prayer she couldn’t find the pain !! ….Meanwhile someone had dropped a pen and she bent right over and picked it up.  I asked her if she had been able to bend over before like that and she said if she did she would get a shooting pain as she stood back up again - but there was no shooting pain now!  She was pretty shocked and asked if it would still be okay tomorrow.  I explained that she was healed but that if she had any tweaks later on she was to tell the pain she had been healed by Jesus and to go away!!  

I also had a good time talking with an Italian guy in a furniture shop.  He asked me lots of things about my faith in Jesus and the difference between believing and religion, healing and all kinds of stuff. It was a great opportunity and I pray that Holy Spirit waters and protects those seeds of truth sown in his life .  

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com.

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