Had to have a football analogy in World Cup Season !!!!
I was thinking how in the past few weeks I’ve had instances where I have encountered people in pairs – all ladies – and one person has eagerly received and appreciated an encouraging God message while the other person has been openly dismissive and unwilling to have any God input. In some ways I find this encouraging as the same thing happened to Jesus! Some welcomed Him with enthusiasm and gratitude to God, others in the same town or crowd said a firm “NO” to His willingness to help them. He loved both just the same but never forced Himself on anyone who didn’t want to receive Him. I want to follow that model.
I wrote in the previous post about Yvette and her colleague Lacey who reflect this dual kind of response. Then recently I came across a lady called Tracey and her colleague “Lorraine” . I sensed Holy Spirit show me that Tracey needed to hear that Jesus “gives rest to the weary” and wants to give her rest from the deep weariness she was experiencing. He also revealed that she is a “take charge” kind of person, always seeing to everyone else’s needs and sorting out their situations. But Father hears the cry of her heart that says “Who is there to take care of me?”. He is that One always there to take care of her and He does it wonderfully well! Tracey was visibly moved when I said these things to her (expanded with some other words I shared).
Tracey had said she was a Christian when I told her I was one - though I think she may have meant she was not some other religious category? Father knows. She turned to her colleague Lorraine and said excitedly “This lady has just told me all these different things about me and my life and they were all spot on!” (reminded me a bit of the Samaritan lady). Tracey had received those words personally as an expression of God’s love and care for her that day and was so happy. Yay God!!!
When I began to speak to Lorraine, however, she cut me short saying “I don’t believe in any of that stuff!” and quite obviously did not want me to go further. She made reference to her Gran who “reads faces” and “all that kind of thing” !! Tracey jumped in saying “Oh no, this lady is a Christian, she’s not psychic or anything like that” but Lorraine had made her mind up so I blessed her and moved on. It was so cool that Tracey bravely came to the defence of a believer – Jesus must have been smiling over her!
Another time recently I was in a coffee shop and there were two youngish ladies serving at the counter. After paying for my item I asked Holy Spirit for a word for each of them. I felt like a word came easily for the lady who served me. The word was simply “Back to School” – meaning extra training for her, a course or study rather than literal school!!
I had a more vague sense for the other lady about her taking “baby steps” and not to worry that it was such a small, slow beginning to what she wanted to achieve.
I released the words to both the ladies at an opportune moment. The “Back to School” lady (Magda) was surprised saying “Oh I have just started a course!” and when I said that God wanted to encourage her that she was just where she needed to be on that course, she started welling up and was still tearful when I left, though she warmly thanked me.
The other lady heard the word I shared and was very quiet and unresponsive. Maybe it didn’t resonate with her and i needed to have listened at more length for her, maybe it was too strange or personal for her. Maybe she didn’t understand it. I don’t know. I wasn’t able to engage her any further. Teach me continually how to reach Father's lost treasures, Holy Spirit, and please pursue both these dear ladies with your love, power and truth.
PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)
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