Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

No language barrier to Jesus!


Mid Jan 2019 – Christmas now behind us, today a fairly mild day as I went into town wondering what I would find. So quiet!!  The January shopper lull, I guess. 

Inside one of the centres, though, was a lively bunch of ladies I thought may be from the Philippines. They were laughing and taking photos of each other and generally looked to be having a fun time.  I felt like I wanted to speak with them but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it…..until an idea “dropped” inside my mind (thanks Holy Spirit) to go and offer to take a group photo for them.   So I did!  They were really happy at my offer and explained they were having a day off (I didn’t ask them why they had chosen Slough as their “holiday destination”!!) It turned out they were Portuguese friends but live over here.   

There were five of them all together – another friend (a guy) came over too and the “Mum” of the group – the most senior lady left but not before I had given her a word of encouragement I felt HS had for her.  She was rather cold in her response, though the other younger ones were nodding in agreement with what I had shared about her.  It was probably a blessing that she left at that point, because the others were all keen to hear what I felt was in Father’s heart for them individually.  It was cool watching Holy Spirit impact them.  The two I most remember were a really petite lady who I felt had a “heart of gold” but who needed specific reassurance that God would take care of her financial needs.  It turned out that she was redundant at the moment and worried about finances so that was precious for her to hear.  

Another encouragement was for a lady who I felt had been drained by continually giving out to family. God wanted to bring her refreshment and for her to know that her efforts were not unnoticed and would bring good fruit.  Even though she looked really young the others all nodded saying “Yess!! She has six children”!  Sister, I identify!! 

One funny thing – I thought as I had approached the group that I heard the name “Anna Maria”.   Wanting to practice in the area of getting peoples’ names, I asked if anyone in the group was called Anna Maria?  No!  But when I was going round the group later and asking their names, one was called Anna and another lady had a Portuguese name I’ve never heard before but said that most of her friends call her “Maria”! Anna ….Maria!  LOL.

After the words of encouragement I asked if anyone had any physical pain?  At first they said no but the guy – Tino – said he had ear pain. Not inside his ear but on the outside and beneath his ear.  Level 5 out of 10.  After two short prayers the pain was gone completely! The group were getting even more excited and were taking photos of me praying for their friend!!!  At this, another lady said she actually did have pain in her knee, a longstanding problem.  At the time it was a level 4 I think.  I prayed twice for her too and she was so surprised when the pain had all gone and she could swing her leg in any direction she wanted without it hurting. Sweeeet!  Here’s a short audio clip where they talk a bit about it – I think quite a bit got lost in translation and is not the most clear but enough to get the gist - hopefully.  GLORY! 

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com.

Heavenly Hula Hoop!

Sometimes you just need a different beat