Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

"God, show me that you are really real"


Slough April 2019 

A shorter trip than usual but one that I feel was for the benefit of just one…a lovely young Liverpool lad “James” who was working in Slough for the week.   He was out in the High Street when I met him.

I felt that Holy Spirit’s word to him was not to be discouraged by small beginnings and slow first steps but to know that he would gather pace and make the progress that he wants ““in good time”.  He smiled and nodded, explaining that he was in his first week on the job and that those words did certainly apply to his situation. 

I explained about praying for people I meet and asked him if he had any physical pain/issues but he was fine and didn’t need prayer for healing.   He did ask me to pray for him, though – for more personal issues regarding his new working life and his need to have good people around him.  He was really happy for me to pray for him there and then and I prayed what Holy Spirit downloaded to me, breaking off certain things from the past that I sensed were hindering James from moving forward and releasing the blessings that he needed to flourish in his future.

At the end of the prayer James was very thankful and kept remarking how meaningful and true all the things were that I had prayed for him.  He then went on to tell me some things he wanted to leave behind in his past and how he used to have faith (he’s from a Catholic background) but had walked away when some painful events happened to him.  After that, things had gone from bad to worse for him but he had just recently started praying again.  He had called out to God to help him in his life and to show him that He is really real!  After calling out to God, things had started getting better and now here I was, a random stranger who had never met him, being a direct answer to James’s prayer to know that God is “really real” through the things I was saying and praying about him.

After checking with James that he had not just left Jesus on the outside but had invited him to come and live on the inside (which he assured me that he had done) I left James with a big smile on his face, promising he would never forget this day and saying in his wonderful accent -  “This faith thing really does work, doesn’t it?!”  

Amen to that, brother!!! 

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Alternatively, email me at Gillyroyal555@gmail.com.

The stubborn healing love of Jesus!!!

Good Friday. So, so good.