Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Heavenly Hamstring Healing - Part 2


I don’t always get to hear the follow-up stories of the people I pray for – they move on, back to their own cities and lives, many live far away.  So this week it’s been a real treat for me to meet up again with two people who experienced healing a couple of weeks ago  (see last blog post) – and see how they are doing now.

I’m referring to Megan and Clio, two lovely young sales people in a showroom area.  Megan, a new believer, had prayer for back and neck sciatic pain and was healed of all her pain. 

Clio, who described himself as an unbeliever, then had prayer for an injured hamstring which had prevented him from playing football for the last five or six months.  He is an academy player. To his great amazement he also was completely healed of all pain and tightness from a 7/10 level of pain.   Come On!! 

As I came across them again today, Megan reported she had not had a single shred of pain or aching since being healed and was feeling good as new!

Clio had decided to try out playing football again after his healing – you can hear what happened in this audio clip!  Is Aslan on the move or is He on the move??!!

There was another young lady I got to speak with at a stand in a different shopping area.  I had a sense I would be speaking with her, so as I approached asked Holy Spirit about her.  I felt that God wanted her to know that He misses her song, that her singing voice is precious to Him and unique beyond any other voice. He would love to hear her song again.  

 After chatting generally with her, I told her what I felt Jesus had highlighted to me about her and singing.  She was a very outgoing kind of person but became quieter as I shared.  She then told me that she is indeed a singer and used to belong to a church choir for many years but had stopped going about four years ago when she moved location.  Since then she hadn’t really used her singing voice or been in church.  This really made her stop and think.  

I was able to say more about the Father’s love of her uniqueness and the importance that singing will have in her relationship with Him.  Also, about the unique songs in her that have never been heard by anyone before but if she will allow them to be released, they will bless many people as well as the heart of the Heavenly Father.  It was a brief but timely encounter for a cherished daughter who Father is calling back Home. 

Will you join me in praying for each of these precious ones to grow ever closer to the One who loves them most, their wonderful Saviour, Healer and King - Jesus .

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

Sore feet to happy feet - in one minute!

"It's like the injury never happened" (Heavenly Hamstring Healing Part 1)