Everyone deserves to know how precious they are to Jesus

"He will take such delight in you that it will make him leap for joy…you will be his feast of joyful pleasure. Yes, he will renew you with his love

– Zephaniah 3 v 17 passion translation

Sore feet to happy feet - in one minute!


Slough  Monday late morning

Just popped into town after dropping one of our Brizzy guys at the train station.  School holidays have begun so the streets were busier than usual with families and teenagers.  I did chat to a couple of groups of teenagers on a citizenship programme but they weren’t really allowed to talk for long or accept anything from members of the public so I wasn’t able to pray for one of the group with a sore neck. I did command healing to his neck,, however, as I walked away and am confident that he has received a divine download!  Complete that boy’s healing, dear Holy Spirit and bring it to his attention repeatedly so that his curiosity in Jesus grows strong!

There were some people promoting a price comparison company and I had a word for one of them – a girl called “Leah”.  It was about being a “tornado chaser” and her love for living on the edge!  She is wired that way so that she can impact others positively in situations and places that others are not brave enough to go.  She did chime with this description of herself and smiled at God calling her a tornado chaser. I told her I had never had that word for anyone before and she loved that.  I explained briefly about praying for people in pain and she was intrigued by that.  She didn’t have any physical pain herself apart from an annoying cold sore that had emerged yesterday.  I declared healing over it and told her to watch because that sore would not take a week to heal as normal.  Even tomorrow she would know it was healed.  She thanked me and we parted company as other customers came along.

After some shopping, I made my way back to the car through the shopping centre.  A young lady was there at a stand and we chatted about her work. She is originally from the Ukraine – her name is Daria.  When I explained about praying for people in pain, she told me that she had pain in her feet quite badly and some toe blisters that gave her trouble, one large blister in particular.  She was happy to accept my offer of prayer, though she had no personal grid for Jesus or healing to “that kind of thing”.  Her pain level was 5/10,  Here is a brief audio clip of what happened next:

Holy Spirit I had only a brief moment with these dear ones but you have known them their whole lifetimes and will pursue them all their days.  Thank you for revealing Jesus to them today – His kindness, His power and His complete knowledge of each individual.  I trust you with their onward journeys….it is such a privilege to partner with you in taking people one step further towards Jesus .  

PS I’d love to hear from you – please feel free to make a comment or ask a question on any of the posts. You can use the comments box (comment as guest and all you need to input is a name and your comment)

From "difficult" to "delighted" in two short prayers!

Heavenly Hamstring Healing - Part 2