Gilly Royal

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"Thin places" along everyday paths

Something happened yesterday which got me thinking about “thin places”.  The classic Celtic Christian understanding is that particular spots, buildings, landscapes, even doors or gateways exist “where the distance between Heaven and Earth collapses”.  These thin places are special, effortless access points to the realm of Heaven.   

What happened yesterday?  I was out on a walk – a fairly long one, earpods in, enjoying the milder weather.  On the return leg of this walk, I spotted two figures in the distance, walking up to the main road junction from a quiet, winding lane.  As I got nearer, I recognised them as a local church couple - though we were all quite far from our own homes at that point.  I crossed the main road to reach them and say hello (at a safe distance!)  Nothing too unusual so far.  It’s just that I had “bumped into” this same couple in just the same way several months ago, at the exact same corner of the exact same road - a road that neither of us normally uses.

On that earlier occasion, one of them was undergoing significant, stressful workplace changes.  As I listened, I could see how heavily this weighed them down, especially as their job role had been a fulfilling one for many years.  Time to pray!  They were both receptive to my offer of praying right there and then on the grassy roadside. Despite the passing traffic and quizzical looks, it was a beautiful time of bringing Heaven into the chaos of this earthly situation.  Tears flowed and countenances changed.  The Gospel is indeed very good news! Relief dwells at its very core – and His name is Jesus!  

Later this couple messaged me to let me know that the prayer had given them courage to step out and take a different work direction.  Although this decision was scary, it felt like a big burden had been lifted, as they knew this was God’s special new direction and provision for them both. Hallelujah! 

So… I was again yesterday, bumping into the same couple in the same location.  We both remarked laughingly about this wayside “co-incidence” but the mood changed as one of the couple told me about a variety of medical issues they were going through. The issues weren’t serious as such but very debilitating, painful and joy-stealing.  Time to pray again!  Right there on that exact same spot on the grassy verge, with the cars and lorries passing by on the nearby main road.  Once again the tears flowed and the nearness of God was palpable as we prayed and He showered these dear ones with His kindness, reassurance and encouragement.  I made sure I booted out ALL those health conditions, without exception, in Jesus’ Name, and I look forward to hearing their next health update!    

And that’s what started me thinking about thin places.  Was there something “special” about that particular patch of grass or the atmosphere around it where we met and prayed?  Why had Holy Spirit directed our paths to meet just there?  Twice. At those exact moments?  I don’t really know!!  Maybe it’s a sign and a wonder – one of those signs that makes you wonder “what does this mean?!”  

But if I learned anything about thin places, I think it might be this: when we are filled with the Spirit of Christ Jesus, WE are His thin places.  His mobile thin places!  We are the connection points between Heaven and earth for all who need the realm of Heaven to come in close and overturn earthly chaos, pain, confusion and loss. 

What a privilege!  Heaven is just a you or me away!! 

Whatever your physical size or shape (!), enjoy being a beautiful, mobile “thin place” for Jesus - wherever He directs your paths.  Just take care crossing those roads!!