Slough 21st September
"If you seek Me you will find Me" says Jesus
Headed into town after dropping the bread off at SHOC. A beautiful sunny day, a welcome tonic after some chilly grey days, - no coat needed!
The first person I encountered – very briefly! – was at a busy homeware store. She was on the till when I went to pay for something. A lovely Asian lady called "Hanna" When I asked how her day was she said it was okay except she was having trouble with a frozen shoulder and grimaced as she tried to move her right shoulder. I didn’t even ask if her I could pray or tell her I was a Christian I just really quickly touched her shoulder and commanded the pain to go and mobility to be restored. There was another customer behind me now so I could only ask her to check it quickly and although she was a little bewildered she checked it and it was a bit better it wasn’t fully healed so I said I would come back later……
I then came across a trio of young folk working on a stand. Art, Frank and Laura. I spoke to each of them at different points over the course of my time in Slough. I honestly can’t remember what I shared with Art and if it was a prophetic word – I think it may have been. I know I had words for the other two – Frank and Laura. Laura was interesting – I think she may be Eastern European. She commented on how I had a really “positive energy” so wasn’t too surprised when I explained I was a “street pastor”. She seemed a little brittle and cynical about things. I had asked Papa about her and felt he said four things about her : her love of the sea, her kindness to animals, that she is very brave but still cries at sad films. When I shared this she admitted that these things were spot on about her.
It was a great entry point to talk about the God who knows her intimately in every detail and loves her intensely. She said something about “certainly needing him to help her”, even if it was a bit of a throw away line cynically spoken I knew it was genuine and assured her that He would help her. I encouraged her to go into her room alone and ask Jesus to show her who He is, just as I had done many years ago. She said “I am definitely going to do that tonight”!! Awesome! I gave her my card as she asked for contact details. Father you have said that those who seek you will find you. I believe your promise for this dear one Laurie. Pursue her and remind her of this encounter with you until she cannot rest until she finds you.
I talked with Frank later – a youngish black guy. He was quite guarded, quite intellectual. But friendly enough and I was able to explain how I love to demonstrate the goodness of God to people not just preach at them through personal encouraging words and healing. He didn’t have any physical issues but I just spoke out about his careful way with people, about him being an enquirer who doesn’t take things at face value but who burrows deeper to find out what’s really going on etc …he sort of agreed but was hedging over the things I said saying “well sometimes I’m like that or “depending on the situation”…I got the feeling he didn’t want to admit that God was getting close. Or else I just wasn’t hitting it! Either way please draw Him in with your love and grace Father. You know how to use what you have spoken already and to communicate with Fred further until He yields his heart to you.
I then bumped into Ty – a lovely chap from Bristol in his thirties working for a charity. I had a little chat about Bristol with him and then said “This might seem a bit left field but I was praying for you….(he seemed okay with that so I continued!) and gave him a word I felt I had for him that he was restless in the place where he sleeps ….he then said that is so interesting because the house he was living in had new tenants who were really noisy and he couldn’t sleep properly so he was thinking of moving on ! I said yes I had the sense you would be moving because God wants to give you peace in "the place where you lay your head". He was pretty impacted by this and it was easy to talk about the God who knows and loves him radically – enough to send a random woman to say those things to him! I encouraged him to ask Jesus to reveal who He is to him in a quiet private place and he said he did want to do that and would do so! Hover over Him please dear Holy Spirit and increase His yearning for you .
Later on I met Ty’s colleague from Bristol called Gus right up the other end of the high street. I asked Father about him on the way and felt like he told me that He wanted to help Gus organise his finances and would give him the tools to do that. So….after telling Gus I had already donated to Ty's bucket (!) I explained I had prayed for him and what I felt God had said to encourage him. He was really surprised and told me that he really needed help because his finances were all over the place! He knew he needed to get them sorted but here was I telling him God was on his side to help him do it! He actually asked me if I would pray for him!!! It was beautiful. I prayed for that specifically and a couple of other things as I felt led ….afterwards he said he felt all relaxed and light--- I explained that was the Peace of God and I also encouraged him to ask Jesus to show him who He is because he would definitely do that if he wanted to know. He said he did and would.,
Oh Father I have done what I could…now do what only you can do in Ty and Gus’s lives. I know you love them way more than I could ever imagine….hound them dear Love Hound of heaven!!
Finally…I did go back to the first shop where Hanna had the frozen shoulder and managed to pray for her again very briefly before another customer came along. She said it was good (thank you Father) as I went to go and I just pointed up to the sky and mouthed the word JESUS. I don’t honestly know how much healing she had or whether she was just being nice or what. But maybe I will see her again….i believe Father gave her what she needed that day and the rest is up to Him!! Glory to you Abba. You are so amazing.
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